MPS-15 and MPS-15-230 Power Supplies
MPS-15 Series power supplies are designed specifically to supply power for the Banner
MICRO-AMP series amplifiers and logic modules. They are constructed on small PC
components. TheMPS-15includesasocketforaMICRO-AMPamplifierorlogicmodule.
The combination of an MPS-15 series power supply and a MICRO-AMP module makes
a complete and compact sensing and/or control system.
A built-in 5-amp rated SPDT output relay is supplied for easy interfacing to an external
load or circuit. Its action is controlled by the outputs of a MICRO-AMP module which
is plugged into the on-board module socket. A switch on the PC board selects which
module output (normally open or normally closed) will activate the relay.
Two models are available. Model MPS-15 is for 120V ac operation. Model MPS-15-230
is for 220/240V ac power. Up to three MICRO-AMP modules may be powered by one
MPS-15 power supply. A 4-inch (100mm) long mounting track is supplied with each
MPS-15. Optional 6-inch (150mm) track model TR100-6 neatly accomodates the MPS-
15 Series PC board plus the PC boards of two additional RS8 sockets to form a complete
three-module MICRO-AMP sensing/logic system.
SUPPLYVOLTAGE: modelMPS-15isfor105to130Vac(50/60Hz); relayandtherefore takeadvantageofthe1millisecondresponsetimeof
model MPS-15-230 is for 210 to 250V ac (50/60Hz).
the module (see MICRO-AMP module specifications and hookup).
OUTPUT CONFIGURATION: SPDT electromechanical relay. COMPATIBLEMODULES: modelsMA3,MA3A,MA3-4,MA4-2,
Contact rating: 250V ac max., 30V dc max., 5 amps max. (resistive MA4G, MA4L, MA5. Donotplugmoduleswithcurrent-sourcingPNP
load). Install MOV (metal oxide varistor) transient suppressor of ap- outputs (MA3P, MA3-4P, etc.) into the socket on the MPS-15.
propriate voltage across contacts used to switch inductive loads.
POWER FOR EXTERNAL DEVICES: 40 milliamps is available
*Contact response: 20 milliseconds open and close.
to power external 10 to 30V dc devices (e.g.- two additional MICRO-
Mechanical life: 10,000,000 operations.
AMP modules or two MINI-BEAM sensors, etc.).
*NOTE: dc loads may be easily connected directly to the output(s) of OPERATING TEMPERATURE:
the MICRO-AMP module used with the chassis in order to bypass the -40 to 70 degrees C (-40 to 158 degrees F).
Hookup Diagram, MPS-15 & MPS-15-230
Dimension Drawing, MPS-15 & MPS-15-230
NOTE: for hookup of sensors or inputs to the module socket,
see the hookup diagram for the module used.
Printed in USA
P?N 03356F3C
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