HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) software simplifies and automates the management of your storage resources, infrastructure and application
capacity. It manages both, tape and disk, direct-attached and network storage, across multi-vendor devices, operating systems and distributed environments.
From its central console, it allows you to effectively monitor and manage storage and storage service availability, performance, usage, cost, and growth,
helping you to gain control of your storage while optimizing your resources and cost.
The HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) software suite consists of five components: device management; capacity management; performance
management; storage allocation and virtualized access control, and storage usage metering and billing. Each component functions either individually or
together to enable integrated storage resource, application capacity and infrastructure management. This highly flexible "building block" architecture and
out-of the box integration capabilities ensure rapid deployment and quick return on investment, while allowing an enterprise to address its most urgent
management problems first.
To move toward integrated service-driven storage management, Storage Area Manager enables you to define, monitor, and measure storage service levels
and view storage services as an integral part of the overall IT service. This helps you to guarantee quality of services and increase the value of your storage
What's New
SAM 3.1 introduces additional operating system (OS) support including OpenVMS and NetWare, and expands the supported devices ecosystem. It also
introduces applications views within the Storage Builder module for monitoring, managing, and planning the growth of Oracle and Exchange capacity.
Storage Area Manager
(SAM ) suite m edia
SAM suite media
SAM, 1TB LTU license for SAM suite
SAM, 5 TB LTU license for SAM suite
SAM, 10 TB LTU license for SAM suite
SAM, 50 TB LTU license for SAM suite
SNM, 1 TB LTU license
Storage Node Manager
SNM, 5 TB LTU license
SNM, 10 TB LTU license
SNM, 50 TB LTU license
Storage O ptim izer
Storage Builder
Storage Optimizer, 1 TB LTU license
Storage Optimizer, 5 TB LTU license
Storage Optimizer, 10 TB LTU license
Storage Optimizer, 50 TB LTU license
Storage Builder, 1 TB LTU license
Storage Builder, 5 TB LTU license
Storage Builder, 10 TB LTU license
Storage Builder, 50 TB LTU license
Storage Accountant, 1 TB LTU license
Storage Accountant, 5 TB LTU license
Storage Accountant, 10 TB LTU license
Storage Accountant, 50 TB LTU license
Storage Allocater, 1 TB LTU license
Storage Allocater, 5 TB LTU license
Storage Allocater, 10 TB LTU license
Storage Allocater, 50 TB LTU license
Storage Accountant
Storage Allocater
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Software Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Software Pre-requisites
Adobe Acrobat Reader (to read product install and admin guides)
Device Managers for each managed device (arrays, switches, tape libraries, etc.)
Microsoft Internet Explorer - or - Netscape Navigator
Performance Metrics:
Storage Optimizer relies on HBA SNIA libraries to gather performance information for hosts.
OpenView Performance Agents (OVPA) or OpenView Operations (OVO}) provide additional metrics. SNIA
libraries are available, at no cost, with all major operating systems. If both OVPA and OVO (both are
purchased items) are to be present, OVPA most be installed first.
Storage Optimizer may also leverage performance reporting tools for collecting device-specific performance
data. For example, HP StorageWorks Performance Advisor XP is required for performance metrics from the
HP XP array family.
Software W arranty
Software Licensing
Warranty code 3U; duration of limited warranty: 90 days from the day of purchase, replacement of defective media
The software licenses are based on terabytes (TB) of storage capacity managed by SAM. The application product comes with
a license-to-use (LTU) to manage 1, 5, 10, or 50 TB and the first year of 8x5 support. The media product comes with SAM
software on CD and documentation. Installation keys are shipped when HP OpenView Storage Area Manager suite or
individual [tier-] product numbers are ordered. These keys must be registered to convert them to permanent "operational
keys". Storage Area Manager utilizes two types of licenses: installation and operational.
Installation licenses are included on the entitlement Certificate that is delivered with the software. These licenses enables
you to use Storage Area Manager or the individual SAM product for 60 days after initial installation, which allows you time
to request, receive and install your operational license(s); and evaluate each Storage Area Manager applications.
The HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) software suite consists of five components: HP OpenView Storage Node Manager (device management); HP
OpenView Storage Builder (capacity management); HP OpenView Storage Optimizer (performance management); HP OpenView Storage Allocater (storage
allocation and virtualized access control); and HP OpenView Storage Accountant (storage usage metering and billing). Each component functions either
individually or together to enable integrated storage resource, application capacity and infrastructure management. This highly flexible "building block"
architecture and out-of the box integration capabilities ensure rapid deployment and quick return on investment, while allowing an enterprise to address its
most urgent management problems first.
Storage Node Manager
Automated discovery, mapping, monitoring, and management of devices through firewalls across distributed,
multi-vendor SAN, NAS, and DAS environments.
Continuous health monitoring and real-time event status information.
Graphical zone presentation.
Manager of Manager (MoM) functionality for centralized management of large environments.
Common launch platform for central device management.
Storage Builder
Storage allocation and utilization views by application, host, device, user, directory, volumes, LUN.
Monitor, manage and plan growth of Oracle and Exchange capacity via a single pane of glass.
Historical trending and future extrapolations.
Reports, graphs, and charts for capacity management and planning.
Automated notification of capacity threshold violations.
Application/Host utilization to LUN mapping for improved understanding of environment.
Storage O ptim izer
Monitoring of host, storage, and infrastructure performance
Automated baselining, threshold determination, and over-baseline notification
Storage performance reporting, historical trending, and analysis
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Software Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Storage Accountant
Usage metering, automated calculation and billing based on assigned storage.
Reporting, financial analysis, budgeting, cost management and charge-back.
Management of service levels and price tiers based on storage and services associated with it.
Enables customer- or device-based reporting.
Storage Allocater
Enables virtualized access control between host and multi-vendor storage (RAID, JBOD, tape)
Allows drag-and-drop LUN assignment and reassignment without system reboot
Provides automated configuration wizard to reduce deployment time
Offers automated notification of unauthorized host access
Supported Applications
Oracle 8i (8.0, 8.1), 9i (9.0, 9.2) all 32- and 64-bit versions
HP-UX 11.0, 11.11
Sun Solaris 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Data Center (SP3)
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation, Server, and Enterprise Server (all SP6a)
Tru64 UNIX V4.0F, V5.1A
Exchange 2000
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server
Volume Managers
Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
HP-UX 11.0, 11.11
IBM AIX 4.3.3, 5.1
Logical Storage Manager (LSM)
Tru64 UNIX 4.0f, 5.1a, 5.1b
OpenVMS 7.3, 7.3-1
Veritas VxVM
HP-UX 11.11
SUN Solaris 7 & 8
Windows 2000
Cluster M anagem ent
MC Service Guard
HP-UX 11.0, 11.11
Microsoft Cluster Server
Windows NT Enterprise Edition
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows 2003 Enterprise Web Server
Veritas Cluster Server for SUN Solaris
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Hardware Pre-Requisites
(Server/C lient)
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, or Advanced Server
Intel® processor: 1GHz (minimum) or up to 2.4GHz, dual-processor (recommended)
Memory: 1GB (minimum); 2GB (recommended)
Disk Space: 700MB (see system requirements in installation guide to optimize disk performance)
Video Resolution: 800x600
HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance II (option)
Memory: Additional 1GB RAM required for installation (HP part number: 201694-B21 includes two 512-
HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance III (option)
Supported platform s
(across the SAM portfolio
– exceptions noted)
HP-UX 11.0, 11.11 (11i), and 11.20 (IA64)
Sun Solaris 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
Red Hat Linux 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2), Advanced Server 2.1
SuSE Linux SLES 8.0
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Data
Center (SP3 & SP4)
Microsoft Windows NT® Workstation, Server, and Enterprise Server (all SP6a)
Microsoft Windows 2003
IBM AIX 4.3.3 and 5.1
Tru64 UNIX V4.0f, 5.1a, 5.1b (except Allocater)
OpenVMS 7.3 and 7.3-1 (Node Manager, Builder, & Accountant)
Novell NetWare 6.0 (Node Manager, Builder, & Accountant)
Management Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server (SP3 & SP4)
HP OpenView Storage Management Appliance II or III with HP OpenView Storage
Management Appliance software v2.1 installed
M anagement Console
HP-UX 11.0, 11.11
SUN Solaris 8.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server (SP3 & SP4)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Linux RedHat AS 2.1
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Supported Devices
Storage Node Manager
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI Storage Devices
HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays (XP1024, XP512, XP256, XP128, XP48)
HP StorageWorks virtual arrays (VA7100, VA7110, VA7400, A7410)
HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA) 3000, EVA5000, Enterprise
Modular Array (EMA) EMA16000, EMA12000, Enterprise Storage Array (ESA)
ESA12000, Modular Array (MA) MA8000, RAID Array (RA) RA8000, MA6000,
Modular Storage Array (MSA) MSA1000, and RAID Array (RA) RA4100
HP Rack Storage/12FC
HP Disk System fc10 (JBOD), sc10, fc60
HP StorageWorks NAS 8000, B2000, B3000, E7000*
HP StorageWorks NAS b3000 v2, e7000 v2, 4000s, 9000s*
HP NAS 6000
HP High Availability Disk Array Model 20-SP620
HP OpenView Continuous Access Storage Appliance
Clariion CX200, CX400, CX600, 5400
EMC Symmetrix 3xxx, 5xxx, and 8xxx
HDS 7700, 9200, 9910, 9500V, 9960, 9970V, 9980V
IBM Enterprise Storage Server E10, E20, F10, F20, 2105, and 2106 and disks (FC,
IBM FAStT T200, T500, T600, T700, T900
LSI E2400, E2600, E4600, E5600
NetApps F810, F820, F840, F880, F810C, F820C, F840C, F880C
Seagate disks (FC, SCSI)
StorageTek 9176, D280, D240, D220, D210, D178, D173
Storagetek BladeStore B280, B240, B220, BC88, BC84, BC82
Sun StorEdge T300, 9970, 9980
Hitachi Sanrise 2200, 2800
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI tape devices
HP StorageWorks MSL/ESL tape libraries
HP Tape Library 20/700, 10/180, 6/140, 6/60, 4/40, and 2/20
HP DLT Library 6/60, 4/60, 2/60, 4/40, 2/40, 2/20, and 1/20; DLT 8000 drive;
Ultrium 230 drive
HP/StorageTek 1/10 drive; 252/558 cartridge DLT library; Tape Autoloader 1/8; 1-
to 6-drive; 40/100 cartridge DLT library; 1- to 2-drive 15 cartridge DLT library;
4/48, 3/30, 2/28 tape libraries
HP/StorageTek L700, L180, TimberWolf, Timberline, and RedWood
HP/Quantum Rack & Stack DLT 4000 desktop; and SMART Desktop DLT 7000 and
8000 modules
ADIC Scalar 100, 1000, 1000; Dell PV136T; IBM Ultrium Scalable Tape Library
(Model 3583); IBM 7337 Model 360 Scalable Digital Linear Tape library
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Supported Interconnect
HP StorageWorks Hub L10 and S10
HP FC hub
HP and QLogic SANBox 8- and16-port switch
HP and Brocade Aggregator 64-port switch; SilkWorm 2800, 2400; Pegasus non-
HP StorageWorks FC Switch 16B, FC Switch 8B, Director FC-64; Director 2/64,
Director 2/140, Edge Switch 2/12
HP StorageWorks MSA embedded switch
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch integrated; FC SAN Switch 8, Switch 8V, Switch 16,
Switch 16V, Switch 16N, Switch 8-EL, Switch 16-EL, Edge Switch 2/32, Edge Switch
2/64, Edge Switch 2/24, Edge Switch 2/12
HP StorageWorks iSCSI storage router 2122
HP/Cisco MDS9xxx switch
Brocade and OEM equivalent: SilkWorm 2010/2040/2050, 2210/2240/2250,
2400/2100, 2800, 6400, 3800, 3200, , 3250, 3850, 3900, 12000, and 24000,
SAN Switch 2/8V, 2/16V, 2/16N, Director 2/128
McData ES-1000, ED-5000, ES-3016, ES-3032, ED-6064; ES-3216, ES-3232,
Spereon 4300
Dell PowerVault 56F, 51F
EMC Connectrix DS-16A, DS-16B, DS-8B; ED-64, DS-16M, DS-32M, ED-1032
IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch S08, S16, 2109-S16; Integrated Fabric
QLogic SANbox-8 FC switch, SANbox-16HA High Availability FC switch,
SANbox2-8, SANbox2-16, SANbox2-64, SANbox2 5200, SANbox2 3100
Inrange FC9000 64/128
Nishan 2000, 3000, and 4000 switches
Chaparral FC-to-SCSI router
Vixel 7200 FC switch
HP StorageWorks SCSI Bridge fc 4/2, fc 4/1 (CrossRoads 4450), 2/1 (CrossRoads
HP StorageWorks MDRII Router
ADIC Pathlight 5000
HP Service M anagem ent
HP OpenView Operations, HP OpenView Service Desk, HP OpenView Reporter
HP Systems Insight Manager
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
HP O penView Storage
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI Storage Devices
HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays (XP1024, XP512, XP256, XP128, XP48)
HP StorageWorks virtual arrays (VA7100, VA7110, VA7400, VA7410)
HP StorageWorks EVA3000, EVA5000, EMA16000, EMA12000, ESA12000,
MA8000, RA8000, MA6000, MSA1000, RA4100
HP Disk System fc10 (JBOD), sc10, fc60
HP StorageWorks NAS b3000 v2, e7000 v2, 4000s, 9000s*
HP OpenView Continuous Access Storage Appliance
Clariion CX family, 5400
EMC Symmetrix 3xxx, 5xxx, and 8xxx
HDS 9910, 9960, 9200, 9500V, 9970V, 9980V
IBM Enterprise Storage Server E10, E20, F10, F20, 2105, and 2106 and disks (FC,
IBM FAStT T200, T500, T600, T700, T900
LSI E2400, E2600, E4600, E5600
NetApps F810, F820, F840, F880, F810C, F820C, F840C, F880C
StorageTek 9176, D280, D240, D220, D210, D178, D173
Storagetek BladeStore B280, B240, B220, BC88, BC84, BC82
Sun StorEdge 9970, 9980
Hitachi Sanrise 2200, 2800
*NO TE: To support these devices, refer to the HP OpenView Capacity Management for
StorageWorks NAS Servers application notes at
HP Service M anagem ent
HP OpenView Operations, HP OpenView Service Desk, HP OpenView Service
Reporter, HP OpenView Internet Usage Manager
HP Systems Insight Manager
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
HP O penView Storage
O ptim izer
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI Storage Devices
HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays (XP1024, XP512, XP256, XP128, XP48)*
HP StorageWorks virtual arrays (VA7100, VA7110, VA7400, A7410)
HP StorageWorks EVA3000, EVA5000, EMA16000, EMA12000, ESA12000,
MA8000, RA8000, MA6000, MSA1000, RA4100
HP Disk System fc10 (JBOD), sc10, fc60
Clariion CX family, 5400
EMC Symmetrix 3xxx, 5xxx, and 8xxx
HDS 9200, 9500V
IBM Enterprise Storage Server E10, E20, F10, F20, 2105, and 2106 and disks (FC,
IBM FAStT T200, T500, T600, T700, T900
LSI E2400, E2600, E4600, E5600
StorageTek 9176, D280, D240, D220, D210, D178, D173
Storagetek BladeStore B280, B240, B220, BC88, BC84, BC82
Sun StorEdge 9970, 9980
Hitachi Sanrise 2200, 2800
*NOTE: Performance Advisor XP is required for XP array performance metrics
Supported Interconnect
HP and Brocade Aggregator 64-port switch; SilkWorm 2800, 2400; Pegasus
HP StorageWorks FC Switch 16B, FC Switch 8B, Director FC-64; Director 2/64,
Director 2/140, Edge Switch 2/12
HP StorageWorks SAN Switch integrated; FC SAN Switch 8, Switch 16, Switch 8-EL,
Switch 16-EL, Edge Switch 2/32, Edge Switch 2/64, Edge Switch 2/24, SAN Switch
2/8V, 2/16V, 2/16N, Director 2/128
HP/Cisco MDS9xxx switch
Brocade and OEM equivalent: SilkWorm 2010/2040/2050, 2210/2240/2250,
2400/2100, 2800, 6400, 3800, 3200, 3250, 3850, 3900, 12000, and 24000
Dell PowerVault 56F, 51F
EMC Connectrix DS-16A, DS-16B, DS-8B; ED-64, DS-16M, DS-32M, ED-1032
IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch S08, S16, 2109-S16 Integrated Fabric
McData ES-1000, ED-5000, ES-3016, ES-3032, ED-6064; ES-3216, ES-3232
QLogic SANbox-8 FC switch, SANbox-16HA High Availability FC switch,
SANbox2-8, SANbox2-16, SANbox2-64, SANbox2 5200, SANbox2 3100
HP Service M anagem ent
HP OpenView Operations, HP OpenView Service Desk
HP Systems Insight Manager
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Hardware Support
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
HP O penView Storage
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI Storage Devices
HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays (XP1024, XP512, XP256, XP128, XP48)
HP StorageWorks virtual arrays (VA7100, VA7110, VA7400, VA7410)
HP StorageWorks EVA3000, EVA5000, EMA16000, EMA12000, ESA12000,
MA8000, RA8000, MA6000, MSA1000, RA4100
HP Disk System fc10 (JBOD), sc10, fc60
HP OpenView Continuous Access Storage Appliance
Clariion 5400
EMC Symmetrix 3xxx, 5xxx, and 8xxx
HDS 9200, 9500V, 9910, 9960, 9970V, 9980V
IBM Enterprise Storage Server E10, E20, F10, F20, 2105, and 2106 and disks (FC,
IBM FAStT T200, T500, T600, T700, T900
LSI E2400, E2600, E4600, E5600
StorageTek 9176, D280, D240, D220, D210, D178, D173
Storagetek BladeStore B280, B240, B220, BC88, BC84, BC82
Sun StorEdge 9970, 9980
Hitachi Sanrise 2200, 2800
HP Service M anagem ent
HP OpenView Operations, HP OpenView Service Desk, HP OpenView Reporter,
HP OpenView Internet Usage Manager
HP Systems Insight Manager
Storage Allocater
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI Storage Devices
HP StorageWorks XP disk arrays (XP1024, XP512, XP256, XP128, XP48)
HP StorageWorks virtual arrays (VA7100, VA7110, VA7400, VA7410)
HP StorageWorks EVA3000, EVA5000, EMA16000, EMA12000, ESA12000,
ESA8000, RA8000, MA6000
HP Rack Storage/12FC
HP Disk System fc10 (JBOD), sc10, fc60
HP High Availability Disk Array Model 20-SP620
HP OpenView Continuous Access Storage Appliance
EMC Symmetrix 3xxx, 5xxx, and 8xxx
HDS 7700, 9200, 9500V, 9910, 9960, 9970V, 9980V
IBM Enterprise Storage Server E10, E20, F10, F20, 2105, 2106 and disks (FC, SCSI)
IBM FAStT T200, T500, T600, T700, T900
LSI E2400, E2600, E4600, E5600
Seagate disks (FC, SCSI)
StorageTek 9176, D280, D240, D220, D210, D178, D173 (limited OS support)
Storagetek BladeStore B280, B240, B220, BC88, BC84, BC82 (limited OS support)
Sun StorEdgeT300, 9970, 9980
Hitachi Sanrise 2200, 2800
Supported Fibre Channel
and SCSI tape devices
HP StorageWorks MSL/ESL tape libraries
HP Tape Library 20/700, 10/180, 6/140, 6/60, 4/40, and 2/20
HP DLT Library 6/60, 4/60, 2/60, 4/40, 2/40, 2/20, and 1/20; DLT 8000 drive;
Ultrium 230 drive
HP StorageTek 1/10 drive; 252/558 cartridge DLT library; Tape Autoloader 1/8; 1-
to 6-drive; 40/100 cartridge DLT library;
1- to 2-drive 15 cartridge DLT library; 4/48, 3/30, 2/28 tape libraries
HP and StorageTek L700, L180, TimberWolf, Timberline, and RedWood
HP and Quantum Rack & Stack DLT 4000 desktop; and SMART Desktop DLT 7000
and 8000 modules
HP Service M anagem ent
HP OpenView Operations, HP OpenView Service Desk
HP Systems Insight Manager
NOTE: The Supported Platforms and Devices section contains lists of supported devices, some may be discontinued. However, they continue to be
supported with Storage Area Manager.
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Software Product Services
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Service Level O ne:
Installation & Start-up
Implementation services for the OpenView Storage Area Manager Suite of products, including Storage Provisioner
Assistance with setting up product to meet reporting needs
Installation, configuration, testing, documenting, and demonstrating the SAM software.
Option to install or upgrade SAN Management Appliance
Service Level Two:
C onsulting
Additional tailoring and integration of storage management solution to meet your business needs for storage
Project management, design activities, tailored implementation, testing and knowledge transfer.
Service Level Three:
Integration of storage management solution into overall IT management application, such as HP OpenView
Analysis of storage need
Survey of business and process needs relative to storage
Design of storage management solution that will meet these needs
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Service and Support Information
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Support Services
HP provides high-quality software services that address all aspects of your software application life cycle needs and align
with your business goals. With HP as your partner, you have access to standards-based, modular, multi-platform software
coupled with HP's best-in-class services and support portfolio.
HP offers premier onsite deployment assistance and development support, in addition to consulting, outsourcing,
financing, education, extensive online self-help, and mission-critical support options. All of these offerings are focused on
helping you maximize the return on your investment.
For more information on HP software support available to address your specific business needs, visit:
The first year of Software Support (previously called, "Customer Care Standard" ) is included in the software product price.
For a small additional fee, customers can extend their telephone coverage hours to 24x7 by purchasing Software Support
24x7 (previously called, "Customer Care Extended"). Both of these services provide access to eCare, telephone support
during coverage hours and Software Update Service.. Software Update Service proactively sends all major and minor
software updates to the customer contact registered with the product. eCare is an online self-service providing users the
ability to -submit and track progress on service calls, -manage support contracts , -search an extensive knowledge bank ,
and connect with discussions of interest.
Additional Services
Customers wanting a more personalized or mission critical offering can also order the following services:
Advantage Services
Proactive support for software management servers. Provides technical account advocate to proactively maintain customers'
software management server(s). Benefits: Proactively prevents problems and reduces risks of unplanned downtime.
Minimizes customers' support overhead. Target customer: Enterprise customers whose business is IT-dependent. Require
proactive support to ensure stability and availability of software management servers.
Prem ier Services
Personalized service for software management environments. Provides named software engineer to partner with customer to
manage their environments in the most cost-effective and efficient way. All of CCA benefits, plus: Named contact for
reactive and proactive support activities. Trusted relationships, personalized knowledge and attention to customer needs.
Maximizes customers' ROI in HP management software. Reduces risks of IT crisis. Minimizes customers' support and
operational overhead. Target customer: Enterprise customers with business critical IT (extreme IT dependency). Require
personalized support relationship to operate, manage, and evolve complex, business critical software environments.
Proactive 24 and C ritical Flexible solution that delivers proactive support and integrated problem resolution. Assists customers to identify areas of IT
environment improvement to meet business objectives better. Provides a complete partnership, close communication, and
teamwork, which saves time and ensure application availability and reliability
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Related Options
HP OpenView Storage Area Manager (SAM) 3.1
Care Pack Options
D escriptions
Product differentiator-difference between m odels
Product num ber
Install & Startup Service
Consulting Services
Integration Services
Setup, install, configure, test, etc. SAM/apps
Custom integration based on business needs
Design overall storage management solution
Physical Data
Shipping D im ensions
15.00 in (38.10 cm)
10.00 in (25.40 cm)
3.25 in (8.25 cm)
2 lbs (0.90 kg)
© Copyright 2002-2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Microsoft and Windows NT are US registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel is a US registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
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